5 Steps to Set up the Home for Child Independence

Be sure to download the free worksheet to jump start setting up your home for your child’s independence, complete with examples! It used to seem like my toddler would need my help for Every. Single. Thing while we were at home. He would become angry when I couldn’t help immediately. He started giving up trying […]

Why You Should Prepare Your Home for Child Independence

As a speech-language pathologist serving families at home, a large part of my job is helping to create daily routines and physical spaces that enriches language development and positive interactions. We know a child’s home environment has profound effects on development, learning, behavior, and well-being (1). Parents have the opportunity to prepare the home to […]

How to Support Children through Change

All children will experience change in their lives, whether it’s a new sibling, a different school, or just learning to become more independent. Often, these transitions can cause big feelings in their little hearts. How we respond and support children in these moments set the foundation for their development and positive relationships later in life. […]

Screen Time – What parents should know

Screen Time –Is it harmful, or can it be used to help children learn and develop? As a speech-language pathologist, my opinion is screen time can be both. Interactive media and technology can help children learn if used appropriately and intentionally, guided by an adult, and accompanied with language-rich interactions. On the other hand, using […]

Routines-Why are they so important?

Routines for Children Today, I watched my two-year-old walk in from playing outside, remove his shoes, and immediately take them to the basket where I keep his shoes by the front door. Without me saying one word! All those times I gently reminded him of my desired routine actually became his own little routine he […]

The Dangers of “Wait and See”

I worked with a mother of a bilingual child with a significant language disorder who was told by the pediatrician to “wait and see” for TWO YEARS. This mother told me her gut feeling started when her child was three years old. She shared how she stopped speaking Spanish at home to focus only on […]

Behavior as Communication – Part II

Responding to Behavior as Communication In part I, we learned how to increase our awareness and acceptance of behaviors, providing ways to connect with our children. If you missed it, read go back and read it first for a better understanding. Responding to behaviors as communication is where we begin to change our relationship with […]

Behavior as Communication – Part I

Accepting Behavior as Communication Behavior is communication. All actions-good or bad-offer information for us to use, just like a conversation would. We can change our relationships with our children and others just by accepting and responding to behavior as communication. Any of these behaviors sound familiar to you? The dog scratches at the door to […]